Amigo Logistics

Common Export and Shipping Abbreviations
Common Export and Shipping Abbreviations

AAA Association of Average Adjusters
AAD Administrative Accompanying Document
AAr Against all risks (Obsolete)
A/r All risks (Obsolete)
A/B Aktiebolaget(registered company -Sweden)
ABI Association of British Insurers
ABCC Association of British Chambers of Commerce
A-BCC Arab-British Chamber of Commerce
A/C Account
ACP African Caribbean andPacificStates
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADR The European agreement on the International carriage of dangerous goods by road
Ad. Val Advalorem(according to value)
ADP Automatic data processing
A/E Abbreviated Entry
AF Advance freight (i.e. prior to shipment)
AG Aktiengesellschaft(public company Germany)
AN Advice note
ANF Arrival notification form
AP Additional premium
A/S "Account Sales, After sight, alongside
ATA Admissiontemporaire temporary admission
ATP "AccordeTransportsPerissable, (European Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs)
ATR Admissiontemporaireroulette temporary admission on wheels
AV Advalorem. Average
AWB Air Waybill
BACAT Barge aboard catamaran
BACS Banker's Automated Clearing System
BAF Bunker adjustment factor
BCN Bankers Cover Note
Bd Bond
B/D Banker's Draft
B/E Bill of Exchange
BEA British Exporters Association
BEF Belgian Franc
BIFA British International Freight Association
Bkg Breakage
Bkge Brokerage
B/L Bill of Lading
BOTB British Overseas Trade Board
B/P Bills payable
BR British Railways
B/rec} Bills receivable
B/S Bill of Sale
BSC British Shippers Council
BSI British Standards Institution
BSS British Standard Specification
BST British Summer time
BTN Brussels Tariff Number (obsolete)
BV BureauVeritas
CA Compensatory Agreement
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAAC Customs and Allied Affairs Committee
CAB Civil Aeronautics Board (USA)
CACM Central American Common Market
CAD Cash against documents/Commercial Agents Directive/Canadian Dollar
CAF Currency adjustment factor
CAN Customs Assigned Number
CAP Common Agricultural Policy
CARICOM CaribbeanCommunity
CBD Cash before delivery
CBI Confederation of British Industry
cbm Cubicmetre
CC "Continuation clause, Civil Commotions
cc "Current cost, cubic capacity, customs clearance, cubiccentimetre, carbon copy
CCC Customs Co-operation Council
CCCN Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature (formerly (BTN) Brussels Tariff Nomenclature)
CC/O Certificate of consignment/origin
CCLN Consignment note control label number
CCT Common Customs Tariff (within the EU)
C/D Commercial Dock or consular declaration
CD Customs declaration
C & D Collected and delivered
CDV Current domestic value
C & E Customs & Excise
Cert Certificate
cf(cu. ft.) Cubic feet
C & F Cost & freight
CFR Cost and freight
CFS Container freight station
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission (USA)
CgePd Carriage paid
CH Custom House
Ch of C Chamber of commerce
Ch Fwd Charges forward
Ch Pd Charges Paid
CHAPS Clearing House Automated Payment System
CHIEF Customs handling of import/export freight
CHIPS Clearing House Inter-bank Payments System (USA)
C & I Cost and Insurance
C/I Consular Invoice/Certificate of Insurance
CIE "Customs input entry,CorasIompairEirraen(Irish Railways)
CIF "Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIF & C "Cost, Insurance, Freight & Commission
CIF & E "Cost, Insurance, Freight & Exchange
CIF & I "Cost, Insurance, Freight & Interest
CIFC & I "Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission & Interest
CIM ConventionInterationalMarchandisesCheminsdeFer(International rail carriage receipt)
CIP Carriage/Freight and Insurance paid to (named point)
CIPA ChartedInstituteofPatentAgents
CITHA Confederation of International Trading Houses Associations
CKD Completely knocked down
CLECAT European Liaison Committee of Common Market Forwarders
CMR Convention MerchandisesRoutiers(Conditions for the International carriage of goods by road)
C/N "Consignment note, cover note, case of need, combined nomenclature
C/nee Consignee
CO or C/O "Certificate of origin, cash order
COCOM Co-ordinatingCommittee on Export Controls (NATO)
COD "Cash on delivery, customers own delivery
Cof Cost of funds
COFACE CompagnieFrancausepourl'AssuranceduCommerceExterieur(French equivalent of ECGD)
Com/I Commercial invoice
COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Aid
COMET Committee ofMiddle EastTrade
COMEX Commodity Exchange (New York)
COT Customer's own transport
COU Clip-on unit
COMITEXTIL Co-ordination committee for the textile industry in the EC
CP "Commonwealth Preference, commercial paper
C/P Charter party
Cpa Claims payable abroad
CPC Customs Procedure Code
Cpd Chartererpays dues
CPF Clean Report of Findings
CPT Carriage paid to
CR "Current rate, Carriers risk, Compound risk
CRF Clean Report of Findings
CRN Customs registered number
C/S Currency surcharge
CSC Container Safety Convention
CT "Countertrade, Community Transport
CTO Combined Transport Operator
CTL(O) Constructive total loss (only)
Ctge Cartage
C/V Certificate of value
C/VO Certificate of Value and Origin
CWE Cleared without examination
cwo Cash with order
Cy Currency
D/A "Documents against acceptance, days after acceptance
DAF Delivered at Frontier
DB DeustcheBundesbahn(German Railways)
Dbk Drawback
D/C "Deviation clause, documentary collection
dd Delivered
D/D days after date (of tenor of bill of exchange)
DDA Duty Deferment account
DDP Delivered duty paid
DDU Delivered duty unpaid
DEM Deutschmark
DEPS Departmental Entry Processing System
DEQ Delivered ex quay
DES Delivered ex ship
DESO DefenceExport ServicesOrganisation
DGN Dangerous Goods Note
DF Dead freight (shipper orchartererpays for space booked but not occupied)
Dft Draft
DKR DanishKroner
D/O Delivery order
D/P "Documents against payment, direct port
D/R Deposit receipt
D/S Days after sight
DSB DanskeStaatsbahn(Danish Railways)
DTI Direct trader input/Department of Trade and Industry
D/W "Dock Warrant, deadweight
dwc Deadweight capacity
dyor dely Delivery
EAPE Exchange as per Endorsement
EAR Export after repair
EC European Community
ECA Economic Co-operation Administration
ECE Economic Commission forEurope
ECGD Export Credits Guarantee Department
ECI Export Consignment Identifier
ECOFIN Economic and Financial Affairs Council (EC)
ECPD Export Cargo Packing Declaration
ECS Echantillonscommerciaux commercial samples
ECSC European Coal & Steel Community
ECSI Export Cargo Shipping Instruction
ECU European currency unit
EDCS Electronic Data Capture Service
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDIA Electronic Data Interchange Association
EEA European Economic Area
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EHA Equipment Handover Agreement
EHC Export Health Certificate
EIB European Investment Bank
EIC European Information Centre
EIMT Express International Money Transfer
EIS Export Intelligence Service BOTB)
EMS Express money service
e&oe Errors &ommissionsexcepted
eohp Except as otherwise herein provided
EPS Entry processing station
EPU "Entry processing unit, European payments unit
ESC "European Shippers Council, Portuguese Escudo
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission forAsia& the Pacific
ESL Sales Listing
EC Eastern Standard Time USA)
ETA Estimated time of arrival
ETD Estimated time of departure
ETS Estimated time of sailing
EURATOM European Atomic Energy Community
Ex "Examined, Exchanged, Executed, Excluding, out of
EXBO Export Buying Offices Association
Exd Examined
EXW Ex works
faa Free of all average
fac Forwarding agents commission
fak Freight all kinds
FAS Free alongside ship
FBL Forwarders Bill of Lading
FCA Free carrier
FCL Full container load
FC & S free of capture and seizure
Fco Franco
FCR Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt
FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport
fd "Free discharge, free docks, free dispatch or free delivery
F & D Freight and demurrage
ffa Free from alongside or free foreign agency
ffi for further instructions
FGA Free of General Average
FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association
faa Free of all average
fac Forwarding agents commission
fak Freight all kinds
FAS Free alongside ship
FBL Forwarders Bill of Lading
FCA Free carrier
FCL Full container load
FC & S free of capture and seizure
Fco Franco
FCR Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt
FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport
fd "Free discharge, free docks, free dispatch or free delivery
F & D Freight and demurrage
ffa Free from alongside or free foreign agency
ffi for further instructions
FGA Free of General Average
FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association
FIO Free in and out -chartererpays for cost of loading and discharging cargo
FIO & stowed Free in and out -chartererpays for cost of loading and discharging cargo plus stowing
FIO & trimmed Free in and out -chartererpays for cost of loading and discharging cargo plus trimming
FIT Federation of International Traders
fiw Free in wagon
F/L Freight liner
FLIC Forwarders local import control
FMB Federal Maritime Board (USA)
FMC Federal Maritime Commission (USA)
Fo "For orders, free out terms
FOB Free on board
foc Free of charge
fod Free of damage
forex foreign exchange
FP Floating (open) marine policy/fully paid
FPA Free of particular average (obsolete)
FP -C Flash pointcelsius
FR Freight release
FRA Forward Rate Agreement
Franco Free -e.g. Franco London-all charges paid to arrivalLondon
fr& cc Free of riots and civil commotions
FRF French Franc
frt Freight
FS Italian Railways
frof Fire risk on freight
FTA Freight Transport Association or Free Trade Agreements
FTL Full Trailer Load
Fwd Forward
G/A "General Average, GeneralAuthorisation
GAC General Average Certificate
G/A con General Average contribution
GATT General Agreement of Tariffs & Trade
GBP Pound sterling
GCBS General Council of British Shipping
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
GmbH Registered Company (Germany)
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
gnp Gross national product
GRT Gross registered tonnage
Grwt Gross weight
gsm Good sound merchantable
GSP Generalisedsystem of preferences
GUV General Utility Van (rail)
GV GrandVitesse(express train)
HAWB HouseAirwaybill
HBL House Bill of Lading
H/c Held covered
HCS HarmonisedCommodity Section
HFL DutchFlorin
h/h Half-height (container)
HL Heavy lift
HMC Her Majesty's Customs
HMC&E Her Majesty's Customs and Excise
HMSO HerMajestysStationery Office
HVR Hague-VisbyRules
IATA International Air Transport Association
IB In Bond or invoice book
IBAP Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce
(x) IBOR InterbankOffered Rate
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ICAO International Civil AviationOrganisation
ICB International Container Bureau
ICC "International Chamber of Commerce, Institute Cargo Clauses
IC & C Invoice cost and charges
ICCH International Commodities Clearing House
ICD Inland clearance Depot
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association
Icc Institute Cargo clauses
ICS International Chamber of Shipping or Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
ID Import Duty
IDA International Development Authority
IDR Import Duty Relief
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFF InstituteofFreightForwarders
I/L ImportLicence
ILO InternationalLabourOrganisation
ILU InstituteofLondonUnderwriters
IMB International Maritime Council
IMCO International Maritime ConsultativeOrganisation
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods code
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMO International MaritimeOrganisation
IMT International Money Transfer
INR Indian Rupee
INSA InternationalShipowners' Association
INTRASTAT Intra EC Statistics
IOE InstituteofExport
ipa Including particular average
IPR Inward Processing Relief
IRD Inland rail depot
IRN Import Release Note
IRU UnionInternationaledes TransportsRoutiers
ISC Institute Strike Clauses
ISF International Shipping Federation
ISO International StandardsOrganisation
ITI Customs Convention on the International transit of goods
ITMA InstituteofTradeMark Agents
IUPIP InternationalUnionfor the Protection of Intellectual Property
IWC Institute War Clauses
J & WO Jettison & washing overboard
JLCD JointLiasonCommittee on Documents
LJPY JapeneseYen
LAFTA Latin American Free Trade Association
LASH Lighter aboard ship
L/C Letter of Credit
LCL Less than full container load
LAB Lloyds Average Bond
L/A "Lloyds Agent, letter of authority
ldg Loading
Ldg&Dly Landing and delivery
Lds Loads
LDC Less-developed country
LEC Local export control
LI Letter of Indemnity
LIBID LondonInterbankBid Rate
LIBOR LondonInterbankOffered Rate
LIC Local import control
LIFFE LondonInternational Financial Futures Exchange
LIMEAN LondonInterbankMean Rate
LIT Italian Lira
Lkg & bkg Leakage & breakage
Lkge Leakage
L/L Long length
LO/LO Lift on/lift off
LOR Lender's Offered Rate
LR Lloyds Register
ls Lumpsum(freight)
LT-EUR1 Long-term movement certificate(EC)
LVI Local Veterinary Inspector
LVP Low Value Procedure
MAT "Marine, aviation and transport (insurance)
MAWB Master Air Waybill
MDHB MerseyDocks andHarbourBoard
MFN MostFavouredNation
mgr Merry-go-round (rail); manager
Min Minimum
Min wt Minimum weight
MIP Marine Insurance Policy
MR Mate's receipt
mst or msmt Measurement
MT "Mail Transfer, metrictonne; empty (to describe container)
M3 Cubicmetre
MV or mv Motor vessel
n/a "no account (banking), not applicable
N/A No advice
NCM NederlandscheCredietverzekeringMaatschappij
NCV No commercial value
ND No discount
NDPS National Data Processing Service
ne Not exceeding
Nei Not elsewhere included
Nes Not elsewhere specified
NIR Northern IrelandRailways
NMB National Maritime Board
NOK NorwegianKroner
nop Not otherwise provided
NPC National Ports Council
nr No risk until confirmed or net register
nrad No risk after discharge
NRT Nettregistered tonnage
ns NerdlandseSpoorwegen(Dutch Railways)
nspf Not specially provided for
N/t Net terms
NVOCC Non vessel owning common carrier
NYPLR New YorkPrime Lending Rate
o/a On account of
OBO's Oil/Bulk/Ore carriers
O/C "Open cover, open charter
o/c Overcharge
OCN Out-of-charge note
OCTs The Overseas countries and territories of member states associated with the EEC under part 4 of the Treaty of Rome
o/d On demand or overdrawn
OECD Organisationfor Economic Co-operation & Development
OEEC Organisationfor European Economic Co-operation
OFT Office of Fair Trading
OGL Open GeneralLicence
OJEC Official Journal of the European Communities
on Official number
O/o Order of
oog Out of gauge
OP Open or floating cargo insurance policy
OPEC Organisationof Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPR Outward Processing Relief
O/R Owner's risk
P/A "Private account, particular average, power of attorney
PBA PortofBristolAuthority
P/C "Price current, per cent
Pd Paid or passed
PD Port dues
PE Period entry
PEP Projects and Export Policy Division (BOTB)
pkge Package
P&I Protection and Indemnity
PKD Partially knocked down
P/L Partial loss
PLA PortofLondonAuthority
pm Premium
PMS Permanent Manual System
P/N Promissory note
POA Place of acceptance
PO "Post Office, purchase order, payment order
POD Paid on delivery/Proof of delivery
Ppd Prepaid
PR Parcel receipt
PSD Pre-shipment document
PSI Pre-shipment Inspection
PT Preferential Treatment
PTL Partial total loss
PUCC Port Users Consultative Committee
PV PetiteVitesse(slow goods train)
Qn Quotation
Qty Quantity
RAFT Revolving Acceptance Facility by Tender
RAPR Refer to acceptor please re-present
R & CC Riots and Civil Commotions
CC & S "Riots, Civil Commotions & Strikes
RDPR Refer to drawer please represent
REDS Registered Excise Shippers and Dealers
Reefer Refrigerated box or vessel
RENFE Spanish Railways
RES Retail Export Scheme
RHA Road Haulage Association
RN Removal Note
R/O Routing Order
Ro/Ro Roll-on/Roll-off
RP P "Return premium, reply paid, return of post
ROD "Rusting,oxidisation, denting (discolouration)
RTK Revenuetonnekilometres
RTP Restrictive trade practices
S/a "Safe arrival or subject to approval,SocieteAnonyme(limited company France)
SAD Single Administrative Document
sae Stamped addressed envelope
Sar Limited company (Italy)
sanr Subject to approval no risk
SB "Short Bill, payable on demand or sight
SCP Simplified Clearance Procedure
SD "Sight Draft, Short Delivery
SDBL Sight Draft with attached Bill of Lading
SDR Special Drawing Rights
SEA Single European Act
SEK SwedishKroner
SEM Single European Market
SFR Swiss Franc
S & H/exct Sundays and Holidays excepted in lay days
IECA "General Treaty of Economic Integration, Central American States
SITC Standard International Trade Classification
SITPRO Simplification of International Trade Procedures Board
SGS SocieteGeneralede Surveillance
SNCB SocieteNationaledeCheminsdeFerBelgique(Belgian Railways)
SNCF SocieteNationaledeCheminsdeFer(French Railways)
SSN Standard Shipping Note
SO Seller's option
SOB Shipped on board
SOEC Statistical Office European Community
spr Sunprotectinrequired
RCC "Strikes, riots & civil commotions
SS Steamship
SSD Supplementary Statistical Declaration
stc Said to contain
SWIFT Society for WorldwideInterbankFinancial Telecommunications
SWL Safe Working load
TDC Total distribution costs
TDW Tons deadweight
TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit
THE Technical Help for Exporters (department of the BOTB)
TIEx International Express Rail Parcels consignment note
TIR TransportInternationaleRoutiers
T/L Total Loss
TLA Tanker Loading Authority
TLO Total loss only
TMR Trade Marks Registry
TMO Telegraphic money order
P & ND "Theft, Pilferage and non-delivery
TQ TaleQuale(according to sample)
TSR Transit shed register or Trans Siberian Railway
TT Telegraphic transfer
TTC Tariff trade code
TUCC Transport Users Consultative Committee
TURN Trader unique reference number
U/A "Underwriting account, unit of account
UCE Unforeseen circumstances excepted
UCP Uniform Customs and Practice (of Documentary Credits)
U/D Under deck
UDEAC Central African Customs and EconomicUnion
UDEAO UnionDouanceetEconomiqued'AfriqueOccidentale
ULCC Ultra large crude carrier
ULD Unit load device
UN United Nations
UNCTAD The United Nations Conference on Trade & Development
UNCITRAL The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UPU Universal PostalUnion
URC Uniform Rules for Collections
URCG Uniform Rules Contract Guarantees
USD United StatesDollar
U/w Underwriter
VAT Value Added Tax
VLCC Very large crude carrier
WA With average (obsolete)
WB "Waybill, warehouse book
w/d "Warranted, withdrawn
wg Weight guaranteed
Wgt Weight
WIPO World Intellectual PropertyOrganisation
W & M War & Marine
W/M Weight and/or measurement
WP Without prejudice
WPA With particular average obsolete)
WR Warehouse receipt
wro War risks only
Wt Weight
WTE Wartime extension clause
WW Warehouse warrant
YAR York-Antwerp rules
ZAR South AfricanRand